Alexander Mihaylov


Alexander Mihaylov is versatile bulgarian gaffer who frequently collaborates with top cinematographers. He and his team are experts in both studio and on location lighting. Alexander is passionate about his work, and is equally at home on feature films, television series, commercials or music videos in all genres.

Alex Barber

Alexander Melman

Andreas Bjorseth

Anna Smoronova

Antoine Cormier

Anton Ognyanov

Arvid Kornstrand

Benjamin Loeb

Benoit Delhomme

Carl Burke

Casey Campbell

Clement Arenou

César Decharme

Cezary Zacharewicz

Daniel Lindholm

David Meadows

David Tattersall

David Ungaro

Denis Guth

Eric Calbert

Erik Henriksson

Georgi Georgiev

Gosta Reiland

Guillaume Le Grontec

Hoyte van Hoytema

Htat Lin Htut

Hunter Daly

Ilya Maksymenko

Ivan Vatzov

Jan Mettler

Jan Prahl

Jake Scott

Jasper Spanning

Joao de Botelho Aip

John Lynch

Jon Gaute Espevold

Jose Luis Bernal

Kolja Brandt

Konrad Losch

Konstantin Mazov

Krum Rodriguez

Laurent Tangy

Leandro Filloy

Martin Chichov

Mathieu Plainfosse

Max Smeds

Maximilian Pittner

Menno Mans

Niels Thastum

Nikita Kuzmenko

Niko Poulsson

Nikolay Bekyarski

Nikolay Petrov

Nino Michel

Noel Schoolderman

Oliver Schofield

Patrick Golan

Petko Lungov

Rafael Reparaz

Rasmus Videbaek

Sacha Wiernik

Sam Goldie

Sophia Olsson

Stephen Keith-Roach

Theodore Hugonnier

Tim Bieker

Tim Green

Tim Lorentzen

Tim Maurice-Jones

Will Bex

  • ul. "Kumata" 84, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Nu Boyana Film Studios

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